Subscription & Cancellation Policy

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Subscription & Cancellation Policy Effective Date: September 20, 2024 This Subscription and Cancellation Policy outlines the terms governing your subscription to the iNvoBilling Inventory platform, including subscription plans, billing, cancellation, and refunds. By subscribing to our services, you agree to the following terms. 1. Subscription Plans iNvoBilling offers a variety of subscription plans, each including a set of core modules such as Inventory Management, Sales, Purchases, and POS. Add-On Modules (e.g., HRM, Payroll, Advanced Accounting, Pharmacy Management) are available for purchase as part of higher-tier subscription plans or can be added separately. Subscription plans are billed either monthly or annually, depending on the user’s selected plan. Users may upgrade or downgrade their subscription plans at any time. Changes to subscription levels will apply at the start of the next billing cycle. 2. Billing Subscriptions are billed on a recurring basis, either monthly or annually, depending on the plan selected. Payments for subscriptions and add-on modules must be made via credit card or through an approved payment gateway (e.g., Razorpay). All subscription payments are processed securely, and users will receive a receipt via email upon successful payment. If a payment is declined or fails, users will be notified, and access to the platform may be suspended until the payment is successfully processed. 3. Free Trial iNvoBilling may offer a 7-day free trial for new users on select subscription plans. During the trial period, users have full access to the core modules and can explore the platform’s features. If the trial period expires and no subscription is selected, access to the platform will be restricted until a subscription plan is purchased. No charges are made during the free trial unless the user opts for a paid plan before the trial period ends. 4. Subscription Cancellation Users may cancel their subscription at any time through the Account Settings on the platform. Upon cancellation, the user will retain access to the platform until the end of the current billing period (monthly or annual). After the cancellation takes effect at the end of the billing cycle, access to the platform will be terminated, and the user will no longer be billed for future cycles. Subscription cancellations are not eligible for prorated refunds, meaning that the remaining time in the current billing cycle will not be refunded. 5. Refunds Refunds are generally not provided for subscriptions that are already in use, whether for monthly or annual plans. Users may be eligible for a refund within the first 7 days after a new subscription starts, if they are unsatisfied with the service. Refund requests must be submitted through, and will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 6. Upgrades and Downgrades Users may upgrade their subscription to a higher-tier plan or add more modules at any time. Upgrades: Any upgrade will take immediate effect, and the user will be charged the prorated difference between the two plans. Downgrades: Downgrades will take effect at the start of the next billing cycle, with the user being charged the lower amount from that point onward. Add-on modules can be purchased at any time and will be billed along with the next subscription cycle unless canceled prior to renewal. 7. Failure to Pay If the subscription payment fails (e.g., due to insufficient funds or expired payment methods), the user will be notified and given a grace period of 7 days to resolve the issue. After the grace period, access to the iNvoBilling platform may be restricted until the payment is successfully completed. 8. Automatic Renewal All subscription plans automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle (monthly or annually), unless the user opts to cancel the subscription before the renewal date. Users will receive a reminder email before the annual renewal to notify them of the upcoming charge. 9. Reactivation of Subscription Users who cancel their subscription can reactivate their account at any time by selecting a new plan. Reactivation will immediately restore access to the platform based on the chosen subscription level. 10. Changes to Subscription and Cancellation Policy iNvoBilling reserves the right to modify this Subscription and Cancellation Policy at any time. Any changes to the policy will be communicated to users via email or a notice on the platform, and will take effect from the date of publication. For any questions regarding your subscription or cancellation, please contact us at

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